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page thirty-four: Happy Holiday Cards

Writer's picture: Ramaa KrishnanRamaa Krishnan

Updated: Feb 13

It’s that time of the year again. The second weekend of January. Life has returned to its normal pace. Krish (my husband) and I, are taking down the decorations upon our Christmas tree to put them away along with the tree itself. While there is great enthusiasm to put the tree up, with our children eagerly wanting to participate, this last part has lost its young volunteers. The two of us wrap it all up and tuck away

everything in the basement where they will rest for another eleven months.

I follow this with another ritual: taking down the holiday cards from around the fireplace. Over the past few weeks, I’d been sticking each card up with Scotch tape as it arrived, placing them so I could see every face on every card as I passed by during my day.

Holiday cards are not a tradition in India, where I grew up. When we started receiving them in our first year here, we were delighted and quickly grew to love the tradition. Within a couple of years, we began sending cards ourselves and still do, though in recent years we’ve switched to digital ones. Initially, for several years, I saved the cards, not having the heart to discard them. But eventually, the pile began to take up too much space, and I started to toss them into recycling—albeit reluctantly.

Even after all these years, this last step is not easy for me. Taking the cards down and holding them fondly, I struggle to say goodbye to my collection. The cards are so much more than the beautiful tokens of friendship and connection they were meant to be. Each picture speaks to me, as if seeking my acknowledgment of the love, the untold stories, and the effort that went into keeping that family healthy, together, and on track through the year.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but these are worth much, much, more. They capture and share a family’s precious, treasured moments: moments of love, connection, joy, and togetherness. As I gaze at the cards, I wonder what each person has gone through that year, what each family and each relationship within that family has endured.

Each family, I believe, is a group of souls who have chosen to journey through life together. Over the course of a year, each family and every soul within it navigates its own challenges, victories and defeats. Yet, amidst all the ups and downs, there is a pause when everyone sets aside their struggles, and comes together to have and to hold a fleeting instant of joy. In that moment, as the camera clicks, they let go of their worries, smile, and “say cheese”! That is a moment worth celebrating and sharing with friends. Let’s rejoice with and for each other.

And so, one more year has passed, and yet another new year has just begun. To me, it feels like the start of a new school term. The report cards of the previous year have been received and digested, the long summer gave us the break we needed, and now we’re back in the classroom, ready to start over. These pictures feel like the report cards of the year that just passed. After the winter break and the celebrations

ushering in a new year, we are all back in the classrooms of our individual and connected lives. Nose to the grindstone, we are ready to begin another year of learning, loving, and growing. It’s time to move forward, carrying the lessons of past years with us.

As I hold these thoughts, I’m also reminded of the many families who are facing profound challenges this year, especially those affected by the recent tragedy in California. Thousands have lost everything, and my heart aches for them. It’s a stark reminder of how precious these connections are and how, even in the face of loss, the love and strength within families can carry them through. Let us hold these families in our hearts and extend support in whatever ways we can.

Wishing each of you a very happy 2025.♥️



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